Friday, March 25, 2011

High Fives All Around

Some of you might remember how about a month ago I went to Houston to see my family, but also to take my Principal Certification test.  The story of that debaucle can be found here.

After I dried up my tears of wasting $120 on that first test, I signed up for round 2…but in Dallas this time.

Tuesday I headed down a hour early to make to my test and wouldn’t you know I found it right away with no problems and there were tons of parking spots.  Take that stupid University of Houston!

The people at Prometric Testing Center were so nice, which helped calm my nerves a little.

I had 5 hours to take a test with 115 multiple choice questions and was feeling pretty good.

Sadly, that confidence didn’t last too long.  You know where you’re taking a test and there are several questions that when you choose your answer you know 100% that you got it right.  Well I felt that way for maybe 17 out of the 115 questions.

Then there were about 12 questions were I looked at the screen and mouthed “I have absolutely no idea!” (they are very strict about the no making sounds policy there!)

So that left me with 86 questions where I felt like it go either way.

So finally I took a deep breath, begged God to have mercy on me, and then clicked “Submit Test”!

I walked out and thought, “Well at least it’s over!” 

I’ve been a little nervous all week waiting to see if I passed or not.  I’ve never not passed a big test like this, so my pride was really feeling a little jittery.

Today I finally got the e-mail letting me know that my scores were available for me to see.

And what do you know…

Let’s take a closer look…


Who says an online Masters is useless?

Principal Haston


  1. YEAH!!! Congrats lady! I am all done and I take my lame-o practice test April 15th and then the real one sometime after that. Just in time to stop teaching! Whoo Hoo! :-)

  2. Amazing what they will give you for answering only 115 questions these days! :) Seriously though... Congratulations Principal Haston!!

    love you
