Monday, February 13, 2012

Reasons I Love February

February usually isn’t a very monumental month in the years of my life…with the exception that it holds one of my most favorite holidays: Valentine’s Day!

However, this February its going to be spectacular for three very different reasons.

Reason #1:  Tomorrow is Valentine’s Day and I absolutely LOVE Love Day!!  I don’t even care that I’m single and will most likely spend this year’s Valentine’s Day baking and watching reruns of my favorite TV couple falling in love.  Shout out to Ben and Felicity!

I love having a day where I get to boldly proclaim how much I love people.  And I do love a lot of people!  On Saturday I mailed out over 20 Valentine’s Day cards to friends and family.  I’ll be making goodies for the teachers that I work with and there will be several phone calls, texts, and Facebook videos tomorrow to some of my most favorite people. 

This day just makes me so HAPPY!

Reason #2:  In about 4 days one of my newest fake nephews will be making his appearance on this earth.  Jodi is set to be induced Friday morning, unless Mack comes earlier, and then I’ll be getting to Dallas this weekend to lavish my new Snugglebug with all kinds of embarrassing love.  This one is even more special to me because I get to be Godmommy to this little guy…

Oh I can’t wait to meet him!  I wake up every morning wondering if this will be the day and lately when I’m running and really wanting to quit I start trying to imagine his sweet little face to keep me distracted long enough to finish whatever mile I’m on.

Reason #3:  On the 28th of this month the Houston Rodeo will get kicked off.  This event every year is a bittersweet one for me.  The Houston Rodeo was one of my dad’s most favorite things.  Even now when I’m there it feels like home because of him.  Along with that, somehow several years ago he convinced my brother to start working it too.  So that means in just a few weeks there will be a whole lot of this…

And as if that wasn’t good enough…this wonderful invention will make me laugh and scream a bazillion times!!

I freaking LOVE the Zipper ride!  And now Bubba and I ride it once together at the Rodeo each year.

It’s gonna be a good month!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Christy!

    I love reading your blog! I am not on Facebook as of November, so that's why I'm writing here. I was wondering if I could have your address. I am in the process of sending out support letters for my mission trip to South Africa this summer and would love to send you one!

    So exciting to read about your life!

