Wednesday, October 20, 2010


There are way too many thoughts and questions rolling around in my head after today and I can’t really make sense of them yet.  So for now I’m just going to tell you about our day.

We woke up and had breakfast and we had bacon…you have no idea how excited I was about that!  In all the countries that I’ve been to I’ve never had bacon before!

They have two cars here…a SUV and a tap tap.  A tap tap is a form of public transportation, but really all its just benches put into a truck bed and a cover put over it.  I had the pleasure of riding in the tap tap all day and my butt is sore!

We first went into the city to a church and met six sweet ladies there.  These ladies have been taught how to make these amazing greeting cards.  Once they’ve made them, World Wide Village comes and picks them up and then sells them in the states and the ladies get paid for it.  This provides the ladies to make money for their families.  Two of the ladies had 6 kids each and the others on average had 3 each…and one was a single mother of 6!  Everyone introduced themselves and then each of them told us about where they were when the earthquake happened and luckily all of their husbands and children were not injured!

Afterwards they walked us through a little neighborhood to get a feel for how typical Haitian people live and then we loaded back up in the cars.

We headed up into the mountains area to the Baptist Haiti Mission.  This was started a long time ago by an American couple.  Now there is a church, school, hospital, museum, and a zoo there.  Let me just say that this zoo consisted of 1 alligator, 1 monkey, 2 ducks, 3 peacocks, 2 goats, 2 birds, and like 20 rabbits...not quite like the states!  We ate lunch there and toured around a little bit.

Then headed back into town to the “grocery store”…which turned out to not too different than American ones.  It was a lot smaller, had some questionable items there that you’d never see in the US, but also a lot of American things that I never would have expected to see in Haiti!

We just got back to the house where I laid on my bed in front of the fan for a good 15-20 minutes…it is HOT here!

Tonight after dinner we’ll have some reflection time about the day and maybe then I can spend some time with my journal and the Lord trying to make sense of the day. 

I will say that I don’t feel quite as much like the outsider after today and even if I am…who cares!  I’m not here for me or to make myself comfortable!

Ok it is 10:00pm now and I've been trying to upload pictures from today since about 5:00pm.  Sadly after 4 attempts and 5 hours I'm giving up!  I'll see what I can do for tomorrow, but don't hold your breath!  I'm going to try and go to facebook to see if its any easier to upload pictures there...cross your fingers!

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