Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Christy In Charge

So last week I was in charge of Ellie Jane and Wyatt all day everyday!  It was quite the switch going from a single, unemployed gal with absolutely no responsibility to being in charge of two 2 year olds for 8 hours every day.

Rather than blah, blah, blah about the week with my long-winded ways, I’ll just show you some highlights from the week!

Playing in the “pool” in the backyard…

Getting texts from Jodi about Wyatt’s version of what we did that day…

Enjoying some "me" time when the kids would go down for their nap...

Watching Ellie get so excited to catch “wolly pollys” in her new bug catcher, only to find that she killed every single one in the process…

Playing with chalk and making cute notes to a certain Someone Special when I should have been watching the kids…

Watching Wyatt collect bugs and not kill them…

Kids eating popsicles in the blistering heat…

Watching Wyatt throw a fit when his popsicle got taken away for not listening!  But look at that little butt crack of his!  Too stinkin’ cute!

Finding Ellie after she poured out almost an entire bottle of baby powder all over herself and the floor (luckily we were at her house then!!)

It was a great week with these two!  I love them so, so much!

However, I think I might enjoy this no responsibility thing for just a little bit longer though!

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