Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Who Needs A Man

Several years ago I randomly mentioned at Thanksgiving to my aunt that I wanted a power drill for Christmas.  Lo and behold she told my Granny and Grandad and imagine my surprise when that is what I unwrapped from my grandparents that Christmas Eve!

The best part is that they were worried that I had made that comment as a joke so they also got me a really big Target gift card in case I didn’t like the drill.

Imagine their surprise when I ripped open the paper and immediately started screaming like a 5 year old who just unwrapped Barbie’s mansion!

I like to pretend quite frequently that I don’t need anyone’s help to do things…especially of all a man.  And at the time I’d been moving around a lot and had to keep hanging and unhanging things at my places and wanted my own drill to make the whole process easier and not have to borrow from any of the men in my life.

The drill was the perfect gift! 

I love having tools and feeling like I can do things manly without the help of a man.  Before you start lecturing me on letting others in and how being Miss Independent won’t fly when I’m married…please trust me when I say that I realize that is something I’m going to have to get past if I ever want to have a husband.  I’m working on it! 

Well so one of my goals for this Year of Jubilee was to build something.  I had grand plans of building some sort of a shelf that would hold all of my dad’s old records.

However, I never got around to it this year.  Being unemployed was way more time consuming than one would have thought!

Instead I decided if I can’t build something, then I’ll stain something.  That will surely make me feel manly and give me the joy of doing something with my hands.

I have 2 bookshelves that my Grandad made me for my classroom a couple of years ago, but they were that light colored wood…but amazing by the way!  I really wanted them to be a nice dark wood though.

So two weekends ago Andrew and I headed over to Lowe’s and got me all the necessities. 

Then last Sunday I put on my bathing suit so I could get a tan while I did my manly activity and rounded up all my supplies…(and yes a Sonic drink is a necessary supply)

Here is the before…

And the after…

And then to make it extra special we bought some of that polyurethane crap to make it nice and shiny and professional looking.

Stupid me tried to put that shiny stuff on at night and couldn’t really see that well and ended up with it all over my hand. 

As I was working I thought, “Ah…no big deal!  I’ll just wash it off when I’m done.”  Rookie mistake.

That stuff is like glue!  I spent about 30 minutes scrubbing my hand with the following…
1. cold water
2. hand soap
3. hot water
4. dish soap
5. dish soap and hot water
6. dish soap, hot water, and a scrubby thing
7. finger nail polish remover
8. a towel

Kill me…that sucked!  My hand was so dry and red when I was finished…and of course still sticky!

Maybe next time I’ll do the staining and then practice asking for help by asking a man to do the polyurethane stuff so they end up sticky whilst I go watch a rerun of Real Housewives! 

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