Thursday, August 26, 2010

Substitute Fraud

So I subbed for the first time ever in my life today and the best part is...I'm not even officially an Allen Substitute yet!!  They're still processing my paperwork, but when one of  my girl's texts to say her husband's in the hospital then what is a girl to do?

Luckily it was only a half day job so I didn't get there until 11:45.  It was such an interesting feeling with it not being my own class.  Chelsea had already warned me that this group could be a handful at times and that there were a couple of boys she wanted me to try and "whip into shape!"  Surprisingly the class overall did a good job and everyone got their work done and everyone made it out the door and with their parents safely.  So I guess I would call that a success!

On the other hand it was fun seeing all my old kids today, seeing their smiles, and getting tons of hugs!  I got to hug several of them the other day when I snuck up to school, but not all of them...and especially not my little Abe.  Abe would always give me a hug every morning and every afternoon before he left and its been months since I got an Abe was long overdue today.  When I took the kids to lunch Chelsea went and got Abe from his classroom and brought him to see me and it was the best!  He was grinning from ear to ear and I loved it...and him!  I think I got to hug every one of my kids today except for Olivia and the Dunnings who moved away and Grayson who was being too shy and silly to come over and hug me!  I just love that class and MISS THEM SO MUCH!!!

Then I even managed to get booked for a couple more days this month to sub for my girls!  Cobb asked me when I got home if it made me miss teaching and my answer was NOPE!  I loved seeing my girls and my kids, but the no responsibility thing right now is pretty wonderful!

Sorry Brad was in the hospital...but thanks Chels for letting me sub!

1 comment:

  1. Christy,

    I can't wait to let Abe see this entry. Makes me cry:) He really likes Miss Seabrook--she is a sweetheart and is doing an amazing job--and I know his affection for her will continue to grow as the year goes on, but he will always cherish his time as a Haston Hippo. I can't say it enough--thank you for having been such a wonderful model for Abie. Heather
